It seems that everywhere you turn these days, there’s chat about digital pop up radio stations. Maybe it’s the BBC’s upcoming Commonwealth Voices project, maybe it’s Radio 2’s Eurovision station or maybe it’s our favourite project, Radio goNORTH. Well, Radio goNORTH is nearly upon us once again and all of us here at Dabster Towers can’t wait to get on the road and head up to Inverness for another two weeks of intensive training. We’re also especially excited about using our brand new, state of the art, broadcast equipment.
Radio goNORTH is our live, online pop up radio station that has broadcast from the annual goNORTH Festival in June over the last 2 years. In 2013 we were lucky enough to be nominated for a Kieran Heggarty Award for Innovation in The Celtic Media Awards.
Thanks to Amanda Millen, the goNORTH Festival team, Screen HI and a number of other dedicated professionals, we’re bringing this unique and highly valuable training course back for 2014, delivering a fortnight’s end-to-end training in how to run a radio station, culminating in the team of trainees delivering the live station throughout goNORTH. Trainees will learn how to research, script, record and edit packages and produce a live show. They’ll even be presenting on air so that you get a full picture of how it all fits together. This is not for the feint hearted – it’s intensive, hands-on and a fantastic opportunity to gain experience using modern digital equipment led by industry professionals. The course runs from Monday 26th May until Friday 6th June in Inverness.
I think the deadline for entries might have passed. You can check here on the goNORTH website.
If you’re super keen to get involved, drop me a note soon and I might be able to have a word with the bosses and see if we can squeeze you in. The course is for people from the Highlands and Islands of Scotland – but if you have a compelling case, you might be considered.
You can see the sort of things we got up to over the last couple of years here at and this video that Tom made last year kind of sums it up nicely.