Read Al About It.

Al Lorraine Al's Adventures, Blog

The summer is here. The man on the radio said so. I was that man on the radio, as a presenter on XFM, so it must be true – right? Traditionally in radioland, everything shuts down for Xmas and then nothing happens for two months. No one can be bothered, …

Pop Comedy

Al Lorraine Al's Adventures, Blog

This may spoil your future enjoyment of the Man Booker Prize, quadruple Oscar winning story; Life of Pi. I wrote a joke this week that I thought was bang on and no-one gave a damn.

A Journey of Firsts

Al Lorraine Al's Adventures, Podcasting, Radio

’m en-route to London for work with the Pleasance and the BBC, before doing the classic run-around-not-really-seeing-anyone-for-any-length-of-time friends visit. Luckily, I was given a free upgrade to 1st class on the train to our southern ruler’s utopia. It’s the first time I’ve ‘turned left’ on a train, in fact I’m struggling to …