It’s Funny and It’s TrueLaughing at the things you’re not supposed toComedy is at its most powerful when it takes on our darkest fears, our hardest times, and transforms them into laughter. Julia Sutherland looks into the corners of fellow stand up comedians’ lives – performers who have chosen to …
Read Al About It.
The summer is here. The man on the radio said so. I was that man on the radio, as a presenter on XFM, so it must be true – right? Traditionally in radioland, everything shuts down for Xmas and then nothing happens for two months. No one can be bothered, …
Terry Alderton and Julia Sutherland on BBC Radio 4
With ‘Lach Chronicles Series 2’, and ‘The John Moloney Show’ already in production for BBC Radio 4, here at Dabster we’re very pleased and proud to announce two brand new commissions for the network. ‘Terry Alderton’s All Crazy Now’ presents us with a unique set of challenges as we attempt …
Don’t Lick Stuff
o, here it is; a new website from Dabster Productions, I hope you like it. We’re going to be adding bits of audio, video clips, photos and words over the next few weeks and beyond. Have a look around and let me know what you think. You don’t really realise …
Abandoning All Modesty
t’s the post New Year retrospective on the pre New Year sweatbox that was December. 2012 has been filed under“ Work/Templates/MASTERCOPY” for Dabster. We’ve seen pet projects graduate into commissions, we’ve strengthened existing relationships into new markets, delivered programming to be proud of and set up 2013 in a strong position with …
Radio goNORTH
t’s day four here in Inverness and the sun has gone, a local man asked me this morning if I’d had a good summer. What! Surely it’s not all over already? The training this morning started with a few bleary eyes after our night out on the tiles yesterday. We …